<body> Lost In Beauty-

Wei Ling
and 18

...Not beauty, wants not to be thy beast either

Love mama and papa
love friends love dreams
small me in a even tinier world




  • 一月 2008
  • 二月 2008
  • 三月 2008
  • 四月 2008
  • 五月 2008
  • 六月 2008
  • 九月 2008


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    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2


    okay, i've gt to get it of my chest..
    haiss or i cnt seem to concentrate on proper work.

    i don't know why i seem to always let the insignificant things in life bother me so much. i want to say sth.. but i feel like typing..............................................................

    the beauty exposed ;

    it's been ages since i last uipdated.. hahaa.. ooo spiderwebs around.. hahaaa

    sometimes, at the end of the day, i'll reflect upon what i did during the day. there are times when i'll smile unknowingly, recalling some of the funny moments. there are also times when i look back and i let out a 'urgh' , i don't know if others share the feeling as well. its a feeling that i cannot describe. it's as though there have been things that you feel you could have dealt with better, or things that u think happen because you are useless or incompetent. well i often have that feeling, does that mean that i have little self confidence?haha okay.. gotta go sleep now.. will continue with the self-indulged discussion some other time.

    the beauty exposed ;