<body> Lost In Beauty-

Wei Ling
and 18

...Not beauty, wants not to be thy beast either

Love mama and papa
love friends love dreams
small me in a even tinier world




  • 一月 2008
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  • 三月 2008
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    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2


    haixx.. it's been so long since i last updated.. hoho.. err i guess there's not much happening today.. but.. COMMON TEST IS COMING! and yah.. that's enough to throw me off my feet.. i know i have to really pick up a book and START STUDYING but the desire to procrastinate burns strong... hahahahaaa... there's a math test tomorrow.. i really have no reason to be sitting here and typing this blog entry and yet i am. so... how? oh yah.. tonight my right eye keeps twitching.. is this some sort of premonition that lady luck will be dropping by to visit? hahaa i certainly hope so.. JIAYOUUUs for math test..

    the beauty exposed ;


    i used to think that SP dislikes me. Well, no difference now, except now i think that mr tan has just become her ally. haixhaixhaix

    the beauty exposed ;

    the time now is ard 10pm... mr tan talked to me on msn!! arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... he says why hais? OMG... then i was away from keyboard... when i saw his msg later, i dunnoe how to reply! Finally i said.. sorry mr tan.. about today... then his turn to not reply me.. *faint* how???????????? is he mad is he mad is he mad is he mad????? arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he din noe the person that he started a conversation with is me.. after i apologise then he realise i was one of the few who offended him today... sobbbbbbbbsss... if he never reply me, he's really fuming right? OMG! serves me right larr.. shouldn't have put haissssssssss as my personal msg... now what do i do? can i go offline? OMG!!!! i still have to face him tomorrow... waaaaaaaaaaaaaa somebody help me.......................................................................

    the beauty exposed ;

    today was a terrible day. mr tan stomped into the classroom that we were hiding in today. haisss.. he chastised us for not appreciating his efforts at putting together election day. haiss.. it made all of us really guilty, well maybe not all of us, but yudian and i, to say the least. i know it's not exactly right to feel guilty only after he rebuked us, but his admonishment really gave me the feeling that we've let him down, a lot.haissssss... but above all, what troubles me most is the possibility of the whole matter getting to SP. if that really happens, HOW AM I GOING TO HANDLE GP LESSONS IN THE FUTURE??? arghhhhhhh... i really don't know what to do... i guess i can only pray that everything can stay in control.

    the beauty exposed ;