<body> Lost In Beauty-

Wei Ling
and 18

...Not beauty, wants not to be thy beast either

Love mama and papa
love friends love dreams
small me in a even tinier world




  • 一月 2008
  • 二月 2008
  • 三月 2008
  • 四月 2008
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    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2




    the beauty exposed ;



    the beauty exposed ;


    the beauty exposed ;

    Today is definitely the most 'HIGH' day of this year so far! We just crowded around the boundary area of the track and shouted cheers, for both our house, LIGNUM, as well as names of the people we know. hehe. We saw Mr Tan, Ms Phua, Hao Lao gong, and many other people run!!! woooooo!! hehe. I think this should be the last time we have a chance to see such a phenomenon. Next year, we'll graduate from JC and even if we go back to take part in the event, Hao Lao Gong wouldn't be there anymore.. sobs. Anyway, the main point is... TODAY WAS SO FUN!!

    the beauty exposed ;

    What happened yesterday has set me into deep thinking. Can the promises of eternal care and tolerance, not to mention love, made during marriage really last? Will people, even the one carefully chosen as a life partner, change faces and become someone that you never thought existed? My neighbour next door, a young married lady, came begging for help last night at around 11+pm. She brought her two children to our house and requested my mum to make a police report because 'her husband has gone crazy'. What took place later was what I previously thought to be third class drama plots. The police came by swiftly (my mum did not call the police, the lady herself made the phone call later) and took the statement of all the people involved. it was only till the next day that I discovered through my mother that the husband was actually trying to strangle the wife, in front of the eyes of their two young children, aged 7 and 4. When he failed to do so, he wanted to push her down their 13storeys high apartment. A lucky thing in the whole event of misfortune was probably that the mother and brother of the wife was at home. Had the whole 'drama' been shifted to take place at the married coupe's own apartment in Sengkang, the consequences will definitely be more dire. wIt is truly saddening that love can turn into such intense hatred that a man will actually attempt to murder the women that he exchanged vows with. It is even more heartwrenching for the women to both lose the man that promised to shower her with eternal love and at the same time, see a murderer in the eyes of the man who longer feels affection towards her. The same goes for the two young children who cried so loudly the last night. This is the kind of childhood trauma that they will find it very hard to shake off later. After what has happened, it probably takes more than a miracle for the couple to not get a divorce. Whatever is the reason for the husband to want to actually kill the wife is what we cannot ascertain. Although my mum picked up bits and pieces from the mother of the wife, there may be biased views in what the mother has said. marriage is a two-way thing, I feel that both the husband and wife share the responsibility for the failed marriage. the most innocent victims in the whole thing would well be the children. Some say time washes away all wounds. Young as they might be, I'll say it'll take more than time to wash away memories of their father trying to murder their mother.

    the beauty exposed ;


    GP's really making me very stressed. Sometimes I start counting down to the period of time I'll have to endure GP lessons. Her presence is intimidating! Phew! I know I can learn skills from her, and that I may be grateful for having her as my teacher in the future, BUT I AM JUST NOT HAPPY NOW! I also know that I should not let her become what I call the hindrance to my daily happiness, BUT IT IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE! Since Sec 1, I have already forgotten what the feeling of being truly petrified by a teacher is. Yah thanks to her now, every fear came back. LOL

    the beauty exposed ;

    There's a saying that goes "live today like there's no tomorrow". Frankly speaking, who wouldn't want to do that? But in the context of the modern society, when slowing down may mean not being able to catch up later, who can afford to live today like there's no tomorrow? Ask the students around you, who will still go to school, complete all assignments and do revision today if there is no more tomorrow? If we truly live today like there's no tomorrow, does that mean that we have the right to play truant, do the things that we like to do (which, of course, does not include studying), everyday? That's foolish, and definitely not possible! Society does not allow life for only today, in today's developed society, we are living for a better future. It seems now that all the fault lies with the society, however, it is neccessary for society to be this way where everyone fights for his or her future! While we ask if there is a need for the fast paced modernised society, we should first acknowledge that while there is a need to live today like there's no tomorrow, there is even a greater need to live today because there is a tomorrow and this tomorrow depends on our today.

    the beauty exposed ;


    haha.. the most apalling thing that happened to me today, which is also probably the most amazing thing that has happened to me in months was... I actually met Ms Sharon Phua at the bus syop when i was on my way back home from school! WASEH! ok allow me to fill in on the details. I walked out of the sheltered walkway after school today, as usual, I shifted to the inner side of the bus stop. As i was approaching the end corner of the bus stop, I saw sharon phua! Just as i was wondering whether i should go up and greet her or jus succumb to the coward inside me and just turn the other way around, pretending that I did not see her, She actually talked to me! hahaa.. her first sentence was "Weiling, did you give me oranges?" I replied yes, then she said it was very thoughtful of me to do so! WASEH! this may as well be the luckiest day of my life, I actually got a compliment form Sharon Phua! Well, maybe that's not exactly a compliment, but at least she was quite pleased with me! hehe.. then we carried on the conversation, it was actually not as awkward as i thought it would be. In the ened, i even found out that her house is actually very near mine! Is there ever in history a better example of coincidence? haha...

    There's a math lecture test and bio SPA tomorrow. Well, i think if i choose to believe that tests and assessments now and then will lessen my burden before the major exams, i'll probably lead a much more happier life. haha..

    Actually i think ms sharon phua may only be very strict and demanding during lesson time. Perhaps, we can even be friends after we step out of the classroom. So, is it a form of sacrification on her part, to appear to be so nonchalant and demanding while the truth is that she has her students' interests at heart? hmmm

    the beauty exposed ;

    I am truly aware that the background of my blog is erm.. quite dull, I am also, at th same time, aware that Ren Jie has taught me how to change the background into a nicer one. BUT BUT!! I forgot the website she gave me. However, I got a tagboard! The only tiny problem is that I don't know how to put that up on my blog. HAHA!

    the beauty exposed ;