<body> Lost In Beauty-

Wei Ling
and 18

...Not beauty, wants not to be thy beast either

Love mama and papa
love friends love dreams
small me in a even tinier world




  • 一月 2008
  • 二月 2008
  • 三月 2008
  • 四月 2008
  • 五月 2008
  • 六月 2008
  • 九月 2008


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    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2


    Today, 2 things left a deep impression on me. First of all, i actually felt less stressed during GP! I recall that everytime before GP lesson started, I used to cling on to Ren Jie the 10 mins before the period and let out my fears through whining. I was wondering about how long I can go on like that. I believe that today's my first step to overcoming my fear in coming face to face with Sharon Phua and the rest of my classmates =D.

    To forget is an experience that each and everyone will and would have experienced. Maybe, just maybe, it is not memory taken away from us, but the chance to forgive and forget given to us.

    All the zodiac luck predictions in magazines and newspaper goes to show that this year will be a bad year for me, the horse. What am I to do? Actually, I am more worried about my mum who is also a horse, but the magazine says that it is particularly a bad year for her because of the year that she was born in.

    Actually, I don't know how am i supposed to end a blog. haha.. hmm.. just end here bahh.. hope i can received comments.. =D

    the beauty exposed ;

    Under the pressure from my beloved friends Ren Jie and Yu Dian, I have finally decided to set up my own blog!!! haha, I certainly hope that this will aid me in improving my GP!!

    the beauty exposed ;